
Installation QuickStart Guide

This documentation is a work in progress. It describes prerelease software, and is subject to change.

Installing StoreCore™ step-by-step
  1. Download the latest edition of the Store­Core files from the GitLab repository at if you haven’t already. Always download or fork the master branch of the storecore repository for production purposes.
  2. Create a new MySQL or MariaDB database for StoreCore on your web server. Do not use the default test database or a database name with the test_ prefix.
  3. Add a MySQL or MariaDB user who has all privileges for accessing and modifying the StoreCore database.
  4. Find the config.php configuration file, then edit the file and add your database information in the Database section.
  5. Optional. If configured correctly, StoreCore is able to install the database by itself. However, the installation MAY run faster and smoother if you install the database manually with a database administration tool like MySQL Workbench, phpMyAdmin, or a MySQL command-line interface.

    First run the SQL file core-mysql.sql to create all tables; next run the i18n-dml.sql file to add all language pack data. Both SQL files are located in the /StoreCore/Database/ folder.

  6. Upload the StoreCore files to the desired location on your web server. This usually is a folder called public_html for a domain or www for a subdomain like Do not upload the /tests/ folder to a production server (or delete it afterwards): this folder contains PHP unit tests for development purposes.
  7. Run the StoreCore installation by accessing the installer URL in a web browser. If StoreCore was not previously installed, you will be guided through the necessary steps to complete the installation.

Installation logs

All installation and configuration activities are logged to .log text files in the /logs/ directory. If the StoreCore installation fails for any reason, please first check these log files for possible errors, warnings or other critical messages.

The location of the /logs/ directory is defined in the global constant STORECORE_FILESYSTEM_LOGS_DIR in the config.php configuration file. If this global constant is undefined (or the config.php file was not loaded), log files MAY be saved in different directories. This usually is the current working directory for the main PHP application, for example the /install/ directory when you are executing the /install/index.php application.

Resetting administrator accounts

At any given time there MUST be at least one active StoreCore administrator account. If no active administrator account is found, StoreCore will automatically display a form to add a new user account with administrator privileges.

If you somehow forgot or lost your administrator username or password, the administrator accounts can be reset by clearing the sc_users database table. This requires MySQL or MariaDB database access to execute the TRUNCATE TABLE command on the sc_users table:


Need assistance?

Free installation is included in all StoreCore hosting plans. StoreCore Blue also includes free data migration of existing online shops.